205 Mi32 Project - The Twin Mi16 Engined 205

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Re: 205 Mi32 Project - The Twin Mi16 Engined 205

Beitrag von cybernck » Mi 24.08.11 03:54

Hello everybody! It's time to FINALLY update this topic! Not a great deal of work has been done,
but still there's a thing or two that needs to be shown to the world, starting with the mentioned
2009 205GTIDrivers.com Eurotrip.

It was a 10-day round-trip for 205GTIDrivers.com members from the UK, Holland and Poland,
meeting with people from Austria, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Slovenia and Croatia along the way.
The farthest point of the Eurotrip was in Croatia, on 4th and 5th of May (Pula and Rijeka region),
where I was present with the 205 Mi32.

The feeling of getting recognised, acknowledged and approached nearly everywhere I stopped,
getting loads of thumbs up and flashes on the road, taking people out for passenger rides and
especially finally meeting, chatting and "putting faces to names" of people I've "known" for many
years was, simply put, fabulous! The selection of 205s I had seen was also something to be admired.

Here are a few thumbnail teasers:

Bild Bild Bild
Bild Bild Bild

And a photo that means a lot to me - 205 Mi32, surrounded by 205GTIDrivers.com members from
several countries. A truly special moment for me! Thanks everybody, you've made it all worthwhile!


Photo gallery: http://projects.205gtidrivers.com/205mi32-eurotrip09

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205 Mi32 Project - The Twin Mi16 Engined 205

Beitrag von skyline206 » Mi 24.08.11 10:09

Which rims do u use on your mi32? :)
Greetz skyline206

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Registriert: Mi 08.11.06 13:22
Land: Deutschland
Wohnort: Banja Luka, Bosnia

Re: 205 Mi32 Project - The Twin Mi16 Engined 205

Beitrag von cybernck » Mi 24.08.11 12:11

Those in the photos are Ronal Turbo 7x15", but it's currently sitting on Compomotive MO 7x17" :).

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Registriert: Mi 08.11.06 13:22
Land: Deutschland
Wohnort: Banja Luka, Bosnia

Re: 205 Mi32 Project - The Twin Mi16 Engined 205

Beitrag von cybernck » Sa 03.09.11 01:11

Like I said, there hasn't been a great deal of work done on the car over the past couple of years,
but here's a tasty little 2010 update :).

It was time to sort out the suspension on the 205 Mi32, which meant finally fitting GAZ GHA coilovers
with 300 lbs springs and eccentric top mounts, purchased via group buy on 205GTIDrivers.com,
replacing FK coilovers (front) and Koni Sport Adjustables (rear).



I'll let the photos do the talking - http://projects.205gtidrivers.com/205mi32-ph7?page=8

See you soon with a 2011 update! :)

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Registriert: Mi 08.11.06 13:22
Land: Deutschland
Wohnort: Banja Luka, Bosnia

Re: 205 Mi32 Project - The Twin Mi16 Engined 205

Beitrag von cybernck » So 18.09.11 03:02

OK, we're in 2011 now. Wishbones needed replacing due to play in ball joints. However, we opted
to replace the ball joints, instead of complete wishbones.


Usually referred to as impossible to do but there you go. Sadly, I don't have photos of completed
wishbones, but they look just like ordinary wishbones :).

Also, new wheels from the UK! Compomotive MO 7x17" ET15. One of my favourite wheels ever.


They look great on the car and the car looks great with them on :).

We also tidied up the rear end with Phase 2 lights conversion and GTI 1.9 rear quarter panel badges.


Ready for a trip to Rijeka (CRO), to meet up with 205 enthusiasts from french-classics.de!

Photos - http://projects.205gtidrivers.com/205mi32-ph7?page=9

Next update will bring up photos from the trip!

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Re: 205 Mi32 Project - The Twin Mi16 Engined 205

Beitrag von Andy0075 » So 18.09.11 09:18


How is the handling with the 17" wheels compared to the 15" ? Do you notice the increase in
wheight a lot ? Do you know the weight from the Compomotives ?


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Registriert: Mi 08.11.06 13:22
Land: Deutschland
Wohnort: Banja Luka, Bosnia

Re: 205 Mi32 Project - The Twin Mi16 Engined 205

Beitrag von cybernck » So 18.09.11 17:05

Thanks :).

I don't really notice the increase in weight because of all the power and torque, but it must handle a bit worse than on 15" wheels.

The car hasn't been built for ultimate handling anyway, so I can live with it :). They will be able to house bigger brakes though.

I haven't weighed them, but I'm sure it's easy to find it on the web... Ah, here it is:

http://www.measurespeed.com/compomotive ... weight.php

Not light but very strong :).

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Re: 205 Mi32 Project - The Twin Mi16 Engined 205

Beitrag von struja » Fr 23.09.11 18:54

cybernck hat geschrieben:new folder created - 2007 Race Season Events - self-explanatory really :).

the first event story in there is:

402 Street Race - Mostar (BIH) - 28/Apr/07


1st round of qualifications: against friend's 405 Mi16, the 205 Mi32 ran 14.13 secs
(including reaction time) with quite a bit of potential left, which qualified us for
the 14 secs class, which was what we wanted.

2nd round of qualifications: lined up against a 282 n/a bhp Civic. setting off on
red-light so we'd get an ET for a full throttle run without reaction time, but still
stay in the 14 secs class. The result was 13.42 secs - pretty much what we had been
expecting a year ago when we started the project.

1st round of race: against a mk1 Golf VR6 with NOS - my father messed up a gearchange
into 2nd gear, but still gave the golf a run for his money and made him break into
13 secs class while we continued competing in the 14 secs class.

2nd round of race: against a very fast mk1 Golf with an unknown engine - my father
wasn't lined up properly and thus triggered the red light with the smallest of car
movement, before he actually got to start. we placed an appeal but in the end they
didn't make a re-run so that was the end... pretty crap way to end it but that's life :(.


anyway, all-in-all, we're sattisfied with the result, seeing it was only a single try
and we actually still had a little bit of problems with front clutch slipping and rear
throttle not opening fully, which together with a few tweaks should see the car run
very low 13's (without reaction time) on the next race!

you can see the full picture story (with 40 pics) on THIS PAGE.

video of 205 Mi32 in action coming very soon!


yeahhhhhhhhhhhh meine stad die hölle auf der erde :lach: :lach: :lach: da siest autos zm renen fahren kannst nur treumen!!!

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Registriert: Mi 08.11.06 13:22
Land: Deutschland
Wohnort: Banja Luka, Bosnia

Re: 205 Mi32 Project - The Twin Mi16 Engined 205

Beitrag von cybernck » So 26.02.12 14:07

Hello everybody!

Here are a couple of photos of my father and me on 2011 A-SLO-HR Trip by french-classics.de

Bild Bild

Yes, I now realise I look a lot like him but the color coordination was coincidental :).

Anyway, it was a brilliant two-day trip, covering some amazing roads. We attended the second day
(4th of September, 2011). It was great to meet a bunch of friendly 205 enthusiasts with superb
examples of 205's - each car was different and pretty unique.

Here are a few thumbnail teasers:

Bild Bild Bild
Bild Bild Bild

Photo gallery: http://projects.205gtidrivers.com/205mi32-aslohrtrip11
