sorry for the looong delay in the story updates, i got a bit too busy at the end of last year,
then early this year we found out that my father has to have a heart bypass surgery done
which definately meant no racing and no real enthusiasm to work on the car and to top it off,
402streetrace series 2008 season has been buggered up from start till the end anyway.
my father had the surgery done last week, he's back home now and recovery goes well,
so we can start thinking about more work on the car, but nothing radical will get done for
the next few months for sure.
as a plus point, 205 Mi32 is featured as a Reader's Project in October's issue of Brittish
Practical Performance Car magazine and should be featured
in a few more magazines soon which will definately give us an initiative to carry on with
the project!
in the meantime, i've still got a couple of drag race reports to do, which i'll try to do soon.
thanks for the support and see you again soon
