cybernck hat geschrieben:can you explain that for me please?
I´ll try.
For whatever reason most of the times every thread concerning that very special topic turns into a big flame war between 2 or more groups of people - who have all one thing in common.
No turbo - but
BIG knowledge.
So you can imagine it doesn´t take too long before on side runs out of arguments and starts getting either personal or off-topic - just like me right now.
Those who really know & own dont talk that much at all.
But there are two things which will prevent losing control this time:
b)your reputation concerning
After getting 2 MIs synced and running in a 205 shell - even for our "experts" it would be hard to doubt your seriousness about simple things like putting pressure where it belongs.
Good luck !
Looking forward to those fine pictures and videos.