205 Mi32 Project - The Twin Mi16 Engined 205

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Re: 205 Mi32 Project - The Twin Mi16 Engined 205

Beitrag von gti205er » Mi 23.05.07 11:41

Ich find das irgendwie krank, vor allem weil das äußere irgendwie zusammengetackert wurde...wäre es nicht vernünftiger gewesen man hätte einen V6 oder eine Turbo Maschiene aufgebaut ? Wobei die V6 Variante wohl auch schon etwas crazy ist....

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Registriert: Mi 08.11.06 13:22
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Re: 205 Mi32 Project - The Twin Mi16 Engined 205

Beitrag von cybernck » Mi 23.05.07 13:07

Nein als es keinen V6 oder 8v Turbo Maschinen gibt, hier zu kaufen.

Und es gibt vielen „Platz“ zum Machen des Autos schneller jetzt, als unsere Mi16 Maschinen momentan vollständig normal sind ;).

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Re: 205 Mi32 Project - The Twin Mi16 Engined 205

Beitrag von pug205gti1.9 » Mi 23.05.07 13:20

Außerdem wäre er bei einem V6 kopflastig...
Allrad ist auch nicht schlecht und wenn ihnen die Leistung noch zu wenig ist können sie ja jetzt 2 Turbo Motoren einbauen...

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Re: 205 Mi32 Project - The Twin Mi16 Engined 205

Beitrag von magic » Mi 23.05.07 13:27

@cybernck u do very well, i follow your project..

they don’t rebuild Rom in one day .. So take your time , and make your experience
I Respect all your work .. One Tip ..you Need harder Suspension in the Front , You loose to much grip at the moment .. By the way I found a other T16 engine (Thanks to Mario).. So wait when I be finish with the Blue 205 Race car , I start then my final edition

Best Regards Magic
manchmal sollte man nicht zu schnell aufgeben.

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Re: 205 Mi32 Project - The Twin Mi16 Engined 205

Beitrag von BULLFROG » Mi 23.05.07 14:10

magic hat geschrieben:I start then my final edition

Best Regards Magic
ich dachte das wäre deine "Shine" schon gewesen, die jetzt irgendwann mal schlussendlich doch mit 120PS Motor auf den Straßen sein wird :auslach:

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Re: 205 Mi32 Project - The Twin Mi16 Engined 205

Beitrag von CooKie » Mi 23.05.07 15:27

also ich finde den hier um einiges krasser!!!

http://forum.205gtidrivers.com/index.ph ... opic=50386
:cool: CooKie


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Re: 205 Mi32 Project - The Twin Mi16 Engined 205

Beitrag von gti205er » Mi 23.05.07 15:34

pug205gti1.9 hat geschrieben:Außerdem wäre er bei einem V6 kopflastig...
Allrad ist auch nicht schlecht und wenn ihnen die Leistung noch zu wenig ist können sie ja jetzt 2 Turbo Motoren einbauen...
Die fahren sowieso nur Beschleunigungsrennen das is es schnurz ob der Kopflastig ist...

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Registriert: Mi 08.11.06 13:22
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Re: 205 Mi32 Project - The Twin Mi16 Engined 205

Beitrag von cybernck » Mi 23.05.07 18:59

hey Magic, good to hear from you again!

i hope it's not the engine from the 405 T16 i went to look last year.

well, it needs a full rebuild, but then again, that's not something you're not able to do! :-D

mine is still for sale too if you're interested ;-).

funny you should mention front suspension as we have replaced that in the last update:


we will have to make the rear end harder too and then get some cut-slick tyres all-round.


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Registriert: Do 20.05.04 10:49
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Re: 205 Mi32 Project - The Twin Mi16 Engined 205

Beitrag von gti205er » Do 24.05.07 08:28

Da haben sich ja 2 Spezialisten getroffen ... :auslach:

Man muss aber auch dazusagen das die 2 besser Englisch als Deutsch schreiben... :D

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Registriert: Mi 08.11.06 13:22
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Re: 205 Mi32 Project - The Twin Mi16 Engined 205

Beitrag von cybernck » Di 29.05.07 04:02

and here's the story about the 2nd event of the season:

402 Street Race - Belgrade (SRB) - 12-13/May/07


DAY 1:

- in the 1st round of qualifications, we were lined up with Honda Civic and then
in the 2nd round we ran against an BMW E30 with an M5 engine. we qualified
to race in 14 secs class.

- the 1st round of the race was against a Suzuki Maruti with mid-mounted engine
and it was an easy win for the 205 Mi32.

- the 2nd round was against an Opel Kadett with C20LET turbo engine - a comfortable
win again.

- the 3rd round was against a tuned Civic Type-R - another easy win, but father was
a 10th of a second quicker than he should have so he broke into 13 secs class.

- after breaking into 13 secs class, the 1st round was against a Porsche 911 of
some sort (40 years edition). i thought this was going to be very tight but the
Porsche ate the dust! The crowd loved it and i was "going through the roof"!

- the 2nd round was against an old 7-series BMW with a tuned 3.5 turbo engine
and dual Nitrous system. the BMW won and he was really lucky too - only .004
of a second faster and he would have broken into 12 secs class (which would
leave us as a winner in this race).


DAY 2:

1st round of qualifying - two cars, four engines :-D. the twin-engined Golf has yet
again been the only car in 11 secs class, the previous day. 2nd round was against
an Opel Corsa with mid-mounted tuned Audi 2.7 bi-turbo engine and Nitrous, winner
of 12 secs class the previous day. we decided to qualify straight for the 13 secs
class this time as we'd probably end up in 13 secs class sooner or later anyway.

the 1st round of racing was against a 282 bhp Honda Civic (the 13 secs class winner
the preivous day), which wasn't too bad due to the fact that the 205 Mi32 had a nice
lead in 1st and 2nd gear, until my father selected 5th instead of 3rd... :-(

that was the early end of the day two but still, we were very sattisfied with the
car's performance (more than the driver's anyway ;-)) - it managed 13.192 secs ET
on saturday (and i'm sure i've seen 12.8xx too, but that has been edited later?!).

anyway, we are planing to definitely break into 12's on the next race that should
have taken place this weekend but it was postponed for 3 weeks due to bad weather.


you can see the full picture story (with 66 pics) on THIS PAGE.

video of 205 Mi32 @ 402SR Belgrade coming very soon!

